
Showing posts from August, 2021

Weight Loss, Body Acceptance, and Healthy Habits

 "The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change." ~Carl Rogers I cannot think of many areas in healthcare that are as emotionally charged as the concept of weight loss. Physicians are quick to recommend weight loss to just about every patient that walks though their doors and many people ignore it or take it personally--and how can we blame them for doing so when it's likely that they've been insulted, teased, and harassed throughout their lives for being overweight? However we may feel when receiving such feedback, it doesn't make the recommendation any less valid. Indeed, the social, emotional, and health consequences of obesity are well documented across the various healthcare fields.  Now add the relatively new-age concepts of body acceptance and body positivity and many people leap to the assumption that those two subjects run counter to traditional concepts of health and wellness and promote unhealthy habits or enable dangerous