
Showing posts from July, 2021

Choosing a Counselor or Therapist

Author: Brandon Kutmas, LCPC, LMHC      After scouring lists from insurance companies and dozens of online profiles full of buzzwords, abbreviations, and jargon fit to drive someone into an intense teeth-grinding session, choosing a therapist can be nerve wracking and confusing. Nobody really teaches us how to find a therapist and some assume that one can just call whichever clinic they want and take the first available appointment. Sure, that may work, but there are several reasons why that isn't a good idea:  They may not be a good fit for you  They may not be in-network with your insurance plan They may not have expertise to treat your particular condition They may not have the time to give you the support your condition requires They may not be a good therapist The Importance of Fitting      I've had many clients share with me that they have had a hard time finding a good therapist. They report that they either didn't feel a connection with the therapist, didn't per